English version

1. Introduction to our firm


Our firm, located in Nice’s Carré d’Or district at 15 ter Rue Meyerbeer, provides assistance in criminal law, employment law, juvenile law, immigration law and family law. 


We are committed to providing tailor-made and efficient assistance to meet all your legal needs.


Maître VOGIN is fluent in English. 

2. Maître Laura VOGIN: A dedicated lawyer


Maître VOGIN became a lawyer to help others.


She brings to each case an approach imbued with passion, rigour and humanity. 


Committed to defending everyone, she acts as part of the emergency criminal defence group. 


She is registered on the list of victims’ lawyers and the list of minors’ lawyers. 


Involved in defending the rights of foreign nationals, Maître VOGIN has worked with associations such as ANAFE and Actions Emplois Réfugiés, demonstrating her commitment.

3. Quote: “I swear, as a lawyer, to perform my duties with dignity, conscience, independence, probity and humanity”.


4. Professional background


Before opening her own practice in Nice, Maître VOGIN began her career as a lawyer with prestigious Parisian law firms such as Bourdon & Associés, RPB avocats and the law firm of Maître Pauline RAINAUT. 


She then went on to work with Maîtres Philippe SOUSSI and Mathurin LAUZE at the Nice Bar, thereby strengthening her experience in criminal law. 


5. Educational background


Maître Vogin has a solid educational background. She holds a Master 2 in Employment Law and Human Resources Management from the University of Nancy, as well as a University Diploma in International Humanitarian Law from the Nice Law School. 


Maître Vogin has completed the Certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocats (CAPA) at the École des avocats de Versailles (HEDAC), specialising in personal law (criminal law, employment law and immigration law).

6. Our values


Listening, respect, combativeness and humanism are the pillars that guide our day-to-day defence of our clients.  


We believe in building a relationship of trust with our clients in order to best defend their interests.


7. Fees


Transparency and ethics in setting fees


Our firm is committed to establishing a relationship of trust from the very first meeting, by clearly and transparently defining fees in a written agreement. This agreement sets out the financial terms of our involvement, ensuring mutual understanding and no surprises.

Flexible billing arrangements


We offer flexibility in the way we bill: either on the basis of the time actually spent on the case, or in the form of a pre-determined fixed fee, independent of the time spent. This approach enables us to respond as effectively as possible to the needs and expectations of each client.


Criteria for determining fees


Fees are established in all fairness, respecting the ethical rules of the legal profession and taking into account various factors:

– The nature and complexity of the case;

– The time devoted to your case

– the amount of legal research required

– the interests at stake

– The client’s financial situation;

– The costs and charges borne by our firm.

Fixed-fee initial consultation


To ensure the best possible start to our collaboration, our firm offers an initial consultation at a fixed fee of 120 euros including tax. 


This initial meeting will enable you to present your situation, obtain preliminary legal advice and discuss the strategy to be adopted for your case. This affordable fee reflects our commitment to making justice accessible, while ensuring a quality service and a thorough assessment of your legal needs.


If you decide to entrust your case to the firm, this sum will be deducted from the proposed fee.



1) Nice employment and human resources lawyer


Dual expertise in human resources and law for a tailor-made defence strategy and advice.


Expertise in human resources and employment law 


Employment law holds no secrets for Maître Vogin. 


With a Master 2 specialising in employment law and human resources strategy, Maître VOGIN offers her in-depth expertise to employees and employers. 


With six years’ experience as a Human Resources Manager, Maître VOGIN fully understands the strategies put in place by employers.


Maître VOGIN worked for several years in London in the UK as a Human Resources Manager before returning to France to join the head office of a major French company in Paris. Having worked for a number of multinationals, she has a thorough understanding of international labour issues.




Defending and supporting employees 


As a former Human Resources Manager, Maître VOGIN understands perfectly the strategy put in place by your employer.


Whether the case involves harassment (moral or sexual), dismissal without real and serious cause, economic dismissal, dismissal for misconduct, concealed work, etc. Maître VOGIN vigorously defends employees’ rights before the Labour Courts.


She also assists employees in negotiating their departure, ensuring the best possible outcome (settlement, contractual termination).


Finally, it assists staff representatives before the administrative courts.




Strategic advice to businesses


Maître VOGIN advises companies on preventing disputes. From recruitment to the creation of employment contracts, from disciplinary sanctions to dismissal, Maître VOGIN is your legal partner in managing your human resources.


Trained in management and having held positions of responsibility in HR, she can also advise you on managing your staff. 


Maître VOGIN represents and assists employers before the labour courts. 

In-house training


Maître VOGIN gives training courses for VSEs, SMEs and large companies.


Her expertise extends to training directors, managers and staff representatives in employment law and management, thus ensuring optimum management of human resources.

Maître VOGIN is your employment lawyer. 

Maître VOGIN practises throughout France. Her practice is located at 15 ter rue Meyerbeer 06000 NICE.


2. Nice criminal lawyer


“To be a lawyer is to search in the shadows of souls for the humanity that binds us all, whether we are accused, victim, guilty or all three at the same time.


Criminal defence 


Maître VOGIN is dedicated to defending the rights of individuals in the full spectrum of criminal proceedings. 


She represents and defends people in police custody, when they are being investigated and throughout the legal proceedings, right up to the hearing before the various criminal courts.


We can assist you in the following procedures:

– In police custody

– Before the Examining Magistrate

– Before the Liberty and Detention Judge

– Before the Criminal Court

– Before the Assize Court

– Before the Juvenile Court (TPE)

– Before the Sentence Enforcement Judge

– As part of a CRPC (Appearance on prior recognition of guilt)

– As part of a penal composition,

– As part of a reminder of the law, 

– As part of an alternative to prosecution

– …


Maître VOGIN can assist you in detention as part of disciplinary proceedings. 


Assistance to victims


As a member of the victims’ defence list, Maître VOGIN is determined to ensure that the rights of the most vulnerable are respected and that victims obtain fair and equitable compensation.


Maître VOGIN assists you during hearings and confrontations with the police.


She will assist you in obtaining compensation for your losses (non-material loss, material loss, bodily injury, etc.) before the Criminal Court, the Assize Court, the Civil Interests Chamber, the CIVI (Commission d’indemnisation des victimes d’infractions), the SARVI (service d’aide au recouvrement des infractions), the Victims’ Guarantee Fund, etc.


Juvenile criminal law


Maître VOGIN is a member of the minors’ defence list and is trained in this area. She assists minors throughout the criminal proceedings, from police custody through to their appearance before the Juvenile Judge and the Juvenile Court.

Maître VOGIN is your criminal lawyer. 

Maître VOGIN practises throughout France. Her practice is located at 15 ter rue Meyerbeer 06000 NICE.


Immigration lawyer in Nice (345 words)


“There can be no justice without peace, and there can be no peace without justice” Doctor KING


Legal assistance for non nationals 


Maître VOGIN assists non-nationals with a variety of administrative and legal procedures.


Visa applications


She will assist you with your visa applications (short-stay visas, long-stay visas).


Family reunification


We can help you with your family reunification applications.

Asylum applications


She will help you with your asylum applications:

– Appointment at OFRPA

– Proceedings before the CNDA (National Court for the Right of Asylum)


Residence permits and French Citizenship


Maitre VOGIN assists you with your applications to the Prefecture:


– Application for a residence permit (private life, family life, work, talent passport, entrepreneur, ….)

– Application for naturalisation

– Work permits


Maitre VOGIN will accompany you to the Préfecture in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region to defend your case.




She will assist you in the event of administrative detention in the CRA (administrative detention centre) and detention in waiting areas (airports, stations) before the liberty and detention judge (JLD) and the administrative court. 


It will help you obtain your certificate of French nationality.


Proceedings before the administrative court


Maître VOGIN represents you in the following proceedings:

– Hierarchical appeals ;

– Actions for annulment of decisions by the Prefecture, the Ministry, etc;

– Interim measures ;

– Application for interim release ;

– etc


Community involvement 


Involved in defending the rights of foreign nationals since the age of 13, Maître Vogin has worked with associations such as ANAFE and Actions Emplois Réfugiés, demonstrating her commitment.


Curious and open-minded, Maître VOGIN has travelled all over the world to discover different cultures: Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, etc.), America (Canada, United States, Colombia, Peru, etc.), Africa (Cameroon, Morocco, etc.) and Europe. 


Maître VOGIN is your lawyer specialising in immigration law. She practises throughout France. 

Her office is located at 15 ter rue Meyerbeer 06000 NICE. 

Family law lawyer in Nice


Divorce and separation 


Maître VOGIN guides you through the divorce process, whether by mutual consent or through the courts (divorce for fault, divorce for definitive alteration of the marital bond, accepted divorce).


She will assist you before the Family Court to define your visiting and accommodation rights, parental authority and your contribution to the upbringing and maintenance of the children.




Before any action is brought before the family court, Maître VOGIN promotes family mediation as a constructive way of resolving conflicts.


Educational assistance and the juvenile court


She also supports children and their parents in child protection proceedings before the juvenile court, particularly in the event of children being placed with child welfare services. 


Maître VOGIN is your family law lawyer.


She practises throughout France. Her practice is located at 15 ter rue Meyerbeer 06000 NICE.